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An example of medieval city planning

The old Town center of the city is described as an example of medieval city planning where the most important monument is the Cathedral.

The Acquedotto medievale is very particular and carried water to Convento di San Benedetto. Its most important characteristic is the ogival arch, a very important innovation in the 9th century.

The arch gave it the name of Devil Bridge; today we can admire the medieval art in contrast with the modern city.

An important stop-over is Castello Arechi which is a medieval castle at 309 meters on the level of the sea. Its most important characteristic is the beautiful landscape you can admire from there.

The most important Street is Via dei Mercanti which goes in parallel with the coast.

Today it is the heart of shopping together with churches and ancient buildings. In the city center there is also the provincial archeological museum, while along Via dei Mercanti we can find the didactic museum of Scuola Medica Salernitana.

In fact, Salerno's reputation is due to the fact that it is one of the first medical institutions all over Europe.

Today Salerno is a vivid city with its sea and tourism and its fame is also due to its geographic position between the Amalfi Coast and Costa Cilentana.



"Scazzetta" of Pantaleone (sponge cake with cream and strawberries-scazzetta is the name of the typical hat of the bishops)

Stuffed spleen


Rione le Fornelle
Via Salvatore De Renzi
Church of Sant'Andrea de Lavina
Church of Santa Maria de Lama
Church of San Benedetto
Archs of the Devil
The seafront


21st of September: Saint Matews' Feast
From November to January: Artistic Lights

Tours in this destination

you will decide your own course to follow! The Amalfi Coast is such a treasure trove of beauties….you will just have the embarrassment of choice between Capri and the breath-taking view of the Faraglioni rocks, Positano and its slopes, and then Amalfi, the Fjord of Furore, Nerano and so on.
Be your own captain and you will be free to choose the course to follow, the departure time and the length of the tour
Our transfer service is based on the experience which we live every day: long queues, waits, traffic, public transport which are late, missed buses connections. This service is an exclusive chance to move around quickly in an efficient way and when you like, without being bound to any itinerary or timing. Full freedom and exclusivity.