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A city in continuous evolution

A city in continuous evolution. Numerous churches welcome the visitor who can cover an itinerary where faith and culture are interweaved in each corner of the village. Towers and Thoro Plano castel illustrate, instead, Maiori defense features: particularly the sight form of the castle allows to understand how in case of danger, it could represent a defense for most of the population, having inside farmable lands and even a church. Culture, then, can be tasted through typical dishes of the coast centre, among which there is an out-and-out deliciousness: chocolate aubergines. Ingredients and the way to prepare this dish remind us of contacts had with faraway lands, where spices and aromas represented an important component of gastronomy. Maiori, furthermore, represents the centre where in the past lemon was most cultivated, and till last centuries plants reached the beach.

Not to be missed


Aubergines with chocolate
Sospiri (Zizz’e Monaca pastry)
Limoncello and the liquers


The alleys of the historic centre
Convento e Chiesa di San Francesco
Castello di San Nicola de Thoro Plano
Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore
Chiesa di San Pietro Apostolo
Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie
Chiesa Collegiata di Santa Maria a Mare 


Gran Carnevale Maiorese
Ferragosto Maiorese
Sagra delle Melanzane al Cioccolato
The third Sunday of November: ‘ a Maronna’ e notte

Tours in this destination

you will decide your own course to follow! The Amalfi Coast is such a treasure trove of beauties….you will just have the embarrassment of choice between Capri and the breath-taking view of the Faraglioni rocks, Positano and its slopes, and then Amalfi, the Fjord of Furore, Nerano and so on.
Be your own captain and you will be free to choose the course to follow, the departure time and the length of the tour
Our transfer service is based on the experience which we live every day: long queues, waits, traffic, public transport which are late, missed buses connections. This service is an exclusive chance to move around quickly in an efficient way and when you like, without being bound to any itinerary or timing. Full freedom and exclusivity.
A tour by sea along the Amalfi Coast is not really complete if one does not visit Maiori and Minori, even more enjoyable if seen from the sea.
This tour was born with the idea of showing tourists the most beautiful places, the myths and the legends which Amalfi hides along its coasts.